Supplier & Invoice Financing

Supplier & Invoice finance, also known as vendor finance, is used to allow suppliers to offer their products to their customers with flexible lease rental and hire purchase finance options.

Using supplier finance can help increase sale conversions and with our simple integrations, you could offer your business consumers a simple way to purchase from you whilst spreading the cost.

Why choose Invoice Financing?

There are many reasons why Invoice Financing is a great route for many businesses. Ask any business who relies on invoices being paid and they'll tell you what a drawback it can be when working with late paying companies. The total amount of unpaid invoices each year is in the billions and it's rising all the time.

  • Invoice Discounting: Cheaper but all your debtors must be financed. Usually only for larger firms.
  • Invoice Trading: Crowdfunders will now finance individual invoices at competitive rates
  • Invoice Factoring: Select invoices to finance as suits you. Convenient and for that a little more expensive.
  • A mix of all of the above: There are many variants available. Give us a call to discuss what would work for you.

Invoice Financing allows for immediate access to cash and a positive cash flow which allows for growth, unrestricted by traditional methods are lending. Plus, there’s no real estate involved with Invoice Financing, which makes it much lower risk. If you were to turn to a traditional route of business finance, you’d likely have to put up personal or commercial real estate as security. With Invoice Financing, the value of the invoices secures the finance so real estate assets aren’t at risk.

Another huge draw with this type of finance is that it can often be approved and in place in a matter of weeks, not months. Once an account is up and running, funds can typically be accessed within 24 hours at call.

"GIB were brilliant at handling the whole process of my funding. From application to crediting my account, the process was quick and very easy. I was able to secure funds at an affordable rate which has enabled my business to grow quickly."
Marc Winter
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